Learning and Mental Health Consultation (Julie McIsaac): OPEN
Dietitian Services: OPEN
Psycho-education Assessments: CLOSED
Children and Youth: OPEN
Adults: CLOSED
Help with Easting Disorders, please access: Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre at www.hopewell.ca and/or The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) at www.nedic.ca
We hope that each of you are managing to cope and stay healthy during these stressful times while we all work together to keep our community as safe as possible.
We continue to ask you to please communicate with us via email. We are doing our best to monitor phone messages, but we will be able to be more prompt in replying to emails.
We are currently seeing clients in person and virtually.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to friends and family and crisis lines for emotional support during this difficult times.
The Anchor Team